Friday, September 2, 2011

Buckle up...

Ladies & Gents,

As you may or may not know, I work at Einstein Brothers Bagels. I normally work the front of house, meaning I make the esspresso drinks: lattes', cappucino's, mochas', americanos', macchiato's, etc, make coffee, stock coolers, talk to customers and clean tables. But today, I was working the drive through. We had a system down, Chelli was taking orders and I was cashing them out and giving them their bagels. It was flowing quite well. I'd been working for about an hour and a half, it was about 8:30 am. We had about 6 people that had already ordered and 2 waiting in line to order.

Then a lady handed me her money. I'll never this lady. She had sadness in her eyes. She paid for her bagel with cash and then handed me her card and said, 'I want to pay for the person behind me.' What a nice random act of kindness. I pull up the next persons order. A potato bagel toasted with plain schmear. $2.78. I ask the lady if she wants her receipt and she says yes. She then looks at me with tears beginning to develop and she says, 'Please tell that person that it's in honor of the girl from Bentonville that died last night.' 'Sara', I answered and she shook her head yes and drove off with a tear rolling down her cheek. I got goosebumps and tears myself as the lady drove away and the next person pulled up, credit card in hand. I then told her about Sara and why the lady paid for her meal. She looked like she didn't know what exactly to say. Appreciative, surprised, saddened.... Sara was killed yesterday in a car wreck; I didn't even know her. She might still be here if she would've been wearing a seat belt.

Please buckle up... No matter how old or young you are, they are there for a reason. If you think they're 'uncool' you seriously need to get over it because living, yeah, living is cool.

As Forrest Gump so wisely put it, That's all I have to say about that...

Stay positive kiddos...



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